Aqua Ashigo
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Aqua Ashigos are the aquatic subspecies of ashigos, they have mostly adapted to live in warm waters. They are believed to have spilt from Grassland ashigos many generations ago as their anamtony and social strutcure are completely different. They are generally smaller than grassland ashigos, another thing that sets them apart is that aqua ashigos are omnivores, they will often eat fish and shellfish. However their stomachs aren't the best at digesting meat so they try not to eat to much of it. Young Ashigolings aren't recomended to eat meat until they are older because of this. They have very sleek thick fur to help insulate them in the water, as they lack blubbler fat. They have webbed paws, which helps them to swim by giving them more surface area to push water backwards and pushing them forward in the water.

Aqua ashigos tend to have smaller ears than other ashigos, and when swimming they can completely shut them off by pulling them back, this prevents water from seeping inside. They also tend to have the worst hearing compared to other ashigos. When Underwater aqua ashigos communicate mostly through body language.
Aqua have the abilaty to breathe underwater, using their gills, typically found on their necks however they can be also found on their sides. They filter oxygen from the water and sending it into their lungs. However it seems like aqua ashigos haven't fully perfected this abailtiy, and isn't as efficent when compared to other aquatic life on azailia..
Aqua ashigos are native to Curve's Reach, Bungalow jungle and large lakes on the mainland. They mainly live in saltwater but can be found in freshwater, but they tend to be more rare. Depending on the aqua ashigo they can build their homes above or below water. For underwater homes, they dig out holes or find small caverns and turn them into homes. They decorate their homes with seashells and and colourful rocks. They typically have very basic interiors. Many saltwater ashigos tend to keep coral reef gardens outside their homes, they pick and choose what types of coral that they want near their home. Aqua ashigo typically remeber the placement of the coral as a way to find their way home.
For above water homes they are typically caverns but can be built from wood and leaves. Most aqua ashigos dislike building and finding a cave is much easier. They decorate their home with seashell chimes, rocks, pieces of coral and fish bones. They Don't tend to decorate the outside of their homes and are more focused on interiors.

Unlike grassland ashigos Aqua ashigos tend to stay in small groups, the oldest member of these groups are typically the ones in charge, they live in the largest den compared to the others and have the final say on the reef garden when it comes to making descions for it. Many times these communties are a small collection of dens that are close to together and are the closest thing to an aqua ashigo village, these groups that aqua ashigos form are called Famillies. Roles in the family work in the following:

Leader - Oldest Ashigo, the wisest of the family. It is required that they are to be respected, they spend their time looking after everyone and tidying the Reef garden and homes. They will sometimes particapate in food gathering.
Hunters/Gatherers - Adult ashigos who spend their days hunting for fish or searching for food.
Ashigolings - Young ashigos who spend their times playing and having fun, they go out collecting seashells and colourful rocks, they will make these into necklaces and decorate their homes with them. Will sometimes be tasked with tidying the reef garden.
Retired - Ashigos who are too old to perform daily tasks. This role is the rarest and most famillies don't even have them. ( sometimes when the leader is too old they will retire and the second oldest will become leader instead )
When an Ashigoling comes of age they are given the descion to leave or stay, if they choose to leave they will wander until they find a new home or start a new one.
Conflict between aqua ashigos is somewhat rare, as they don't keep strict terrtiories like Grassland ashigos do, conflict would typically arise around food, agruements such as who saw the fish first are the sort of disagrements aqua ashigos would have. However the most serious conflicts happen when two different famillies get involed in some drama, because then some bloodshed will happen.